Tuesday 23 November 2010


obbd camp kicked ass yo :3

day 1: go there, eat, then medic check, then trust game weeee. then flying fox :D then go to other camp and eat, teamwork games, pack, slp zzz. :)

day 2: trekking!!! totally awesome, up hill down hill blabla. had a cramp, pain kaliah. then another cramp 10mins after it, both at front and back of thighs, and was at 10ish, around 1hr after i hiked. then after that hike dao so feel oh yeah~! help people, slide down hill, oh yeah so feel :) went to river to collect drinking water, couldnt climb up, had help :0 then we go boat.

thought over, then got part 2 hiking diew! part 2 me and jona were in front :) we became pro leaders sort of \m/_ helped people and we stuck together as a team wooo <3 best full of win! part 2 so dangerous D; 1 slip=rolling down hill yo x-x.

day 3: home :) closing ceremony.

Conclusion: quite fun <3