Tuesday 23 November 2010


obbd camp kicked ass yo :3

day 1: go there, eat, then medic check, then trust game weeee. then flying fox :D then go to other camp and eat, teamwork games, pack, slp zzz. :)

day 2: trekking!!! totally awesome, up hill down hill blabla. had a cramp, pain kaliah. then another cramp 10mins after it, both at front and back of thighs, and was at 10ish, around 1hr after i hiked. then after that hike dao so feel oh yeah~! help people, slide down hill, oh yeah so feel :) went to river to collect drinking water, couldnt climb up, had help :0 then we go boat.

thought over, then got part 2 hiking diew! part 2 me and jona were in front :) we became pro leaders sort of \m/_ helped people and we stuck together as a team wooo <3 best full of win! part 2 so dangerous D; 1 slip=rolling down hill yo x-x.

day 3: home :) closing ceremony.

Conclusion: quite fun <3

Wednesday 20 October 2010

i take back my previous rant :\ but im not deleting it to show how fast i come to conclusions. god i still feel like puking.


zz. so disappointed in you. there i was, in the toilet, vommiting like heck, and there you are, outside, chilling. you dont care for me, no no~ no you dont. i hate being in the house with you only, you piss me off. i told you the mee tasted really weird and i couldnt eat it, but all you said was where got?

PS: i have never rejected any food unless i really cannot eat it.

zz. morning i couldnt really swallow the mee but i ate it anyways. never had anything like it. it tasted so goddam bad that zz dont know how to say la. then i had weird feeling but just screw it. in the noon i had the same mee AGAIN. this time i couldnt take it anymore. i could only eat half a packet, then i left for gp test. with an upset tummy that keeps making me feel like puking. at school, i really felt like vomiting but yea screw it, and went to gp exam room. at the room when i told sj i felt like puking and she gave me a candy. apparently sj is way more caring than you, who lives in the same house like me. so i barely made it through gp without the feeling. then dudadeedoo got home, nap, woke up at 6.30pm. felt uneasy again, but just showered with that feeling of vomitting inside. tried to ignore the feeling by eating weird crap from candy to somboi, but none work. finally i couldnt stand it and i vommited it all out. after 6hour+, its amazing how the smell is still all in my stomach. puke puke, and just realized there wasnt any tissue beside me. i asked for tissue, all she could say was " the tissue everywhere bah" zzz. so basically after all those crap, here i am posting a rant about how disappointed i am at you, and how pissed i am. and you still act like you do not know that i vomitted.

this is now the time when i really miss my parents and my sister. at least they wouldeve cared for me slightly more than you, thats for sure.

FMLFMLFML. time to bio now. FML.

Saturday 2 October 2010

teachers day x hari raya mash

^ pic taken from liza cause i didnt bring cam D:

the picture speaks for a thousand words or meh, you get me.

PS: you look so leng lui today~ :X :p :S :$.

Tuesday 21 September 2010


happy belated birthday to liyana~ :D

Thursday 26 August 2010


what is the definition of friend? what requirements to you want before you qualify someone as a friend?
to me, a friend is someone who is always beside you and always helps you bla bla bla~ k lazy lol. and since i expect this, ill always try to act the same to other friends.

to most people: dont be so stressed alone, you have friends who are willing to stress with you so you dont have to stress alone =)~.

Friday 6 August 2010


who knew, a single shot of alcohol was the one to wake me up. lmfao.