Sunday 17 January 2010


weeee just go back from miri with parents. went to see curtains and lights for the ground floor thats being renovated now. it was so boring@_@ LOL haha. and fun in a way, not telling why :p. ahaha. went to see sofa too =D. ate too.. blablabla... so many bruneians ._.. went to boulevard but only round. oh and we kept bumping to our friends AND BENNY'S COUSIN THAT GUY =D. ._. and to victor if he knows this blog exists, i saw your mummy and your aunts :3 at least their cars ahaha.

oh, and btw, durian season is over, but like WTF! I GO MIRI LOOK SEE EVERYWHERE GOT DURAIN!=O OH NOEZ THE WORLD IS GOING UPSIDE DOWN T_T. LOL. overreacting much :3 ahaha.

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