Saturday 30 January 2010


rawr. puppie heree :3 ahaha wtheck, jk. is the author. :D
anyways, havent been blogging these few days. just wanna quick recap of what i did so far:

chill with ben and vic at wywy from 8.00pm till 12++ pm, talked crap haha. it was nice guys =)

chill with yek ben vic vivian krys how and afew more people at escapade the next day from 7.30ish till 11++pm, it was nice~! we went to vivian house after escapade, go there stare and random talk stuff only haha. sent yek home when i was going home. =) while the other guys went to how's home for sleepover. i dont mind missing it, home is where i belong<3 on my comfy bed and with my warm full-of-love house ;).

Then, for the next few days, rush here and there, miri one day and bandar the next. but i couldnt have wished for anything more, because those few days i can spend time with my family <3 haha. ^^

so, thats what ive been doing the past few days. :) sorry if i missed any events, its not on purpose~. ;)

goodnights all~.

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