Tuesday 16 February 2010


third day of cny~:D
first day, visiting cousins.
second day, cousins visited us.
third day, we visit cousins.
on the second day, i went for vivians open house~.
kids owned me cause there was a mirror behind me, all the children could see my cards. yam much?=\
went at 8ish, and left at 12ish i think. awesum $$ won :D
won vic ben and yekjun and vivian and some kids and donovans cash i think..
on third day, i went for peilin's open house, then rode the bus to sils house with 9 other friends, before all 10 of us going to sally's house.
on the third day, lost around 9 bucks.
but vic lost alot, and ben too, strezz o_o
kay, the end~.

Saturday 13 February 2010

chinese new year greetings~

happy chinese new year to:
Silvian, benny, victor, vivian, michelle yang, siaw wee, yekjun, carlton, era, thian hui, sau herng, and others! :D. may you all get loads of ang paos this year, and may all your wallets be fat fat after cny. :P

chinese new year

its chinese new year now~. and valentines day~. :)
all i have to say is:
last year might not have been the best of years, because it couldnt have been the best of years. cause, we'll do what we can to make sure that this year will > last year by 100X or more haha. so yea, leave last year's stuffs behind, and time to get new years stuffs! :D lol haha.
oh and for single valentines people:
SINGLE IS WIN! =D WE'RE SINGLE OH YEAH~!~!!! HAHA. we're too good to be dated :P.


mann this is like once in a long time(alot of years). we're so lucky to experience this :). awesome! its 12.39am when i typed the time, and trust me, everyone is wide awake. fireworks and firecrackers everywhere~!!! awesome man!:D
anyways, nothing really to update. O_O
just, yesterday(13/02/10)'s news. :)
mop upstairs and dwonstairs, vacuum, wash aircon, sit around gaming, teasing vivian, chat benny. summary. :D and the awesome lunchXdinner yeaa (Y) haha. thats all :x i think

Saturday 6 February 2010


:D RESULTS ARE OUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ they were out about 13hours ago, thats when the school released the o level results.

It wasnt as i expected, my expectations were: 6A minimum, and no Cs allowed. well, i got half of what i expected :D. 7A, and 1C. well, the 1C is malay so im like so D: and :D at the same time. HAHAHA. benny got 6a 2C and 1B. his chinese got A omg! so pro haha. well, aside from our two ownage results, some of our friends got rather dissapointing results, the results they never expected themselves to get. that is so sad =\ they are emo now ( i think). All i can say for them is this: results are out, if you didnt achieve what you wanted, dont be sad. Be happy that you passed, and learn from the past, apply it to the present, and so you can achieve more for the future. :) O levels may be very important, but you didnt screw it up completely did you =). You still pass, and get to go to 6th form, and well, you can do better at 6th form to achieve your goals!^^.

Now, after getting my results, i was so freakin happy and so were my family. is omg! and to my sister, if she is reading this, I OWNED U BLEH! 7A >6A =D. LOL. and yes you were right about results being released on the saturday :L.

Anyways, we were so happy that i got to choose where to have dinner! :D. i chose seria meestall rofl, and guess what. i had the same idea as my sis 6 or 7 years ago omg!=O. haha. is totally epic :D.

Then, i couldnt sleep.

And, here i am now.

Wide awake.

Staring at the computer screen.




owh flat eye D:.

haha kay, chua out~!.

Wednesday 3 February 2010


god i am so sleepy @_@ 2.49am. sound horn sound horn! more like stare and see what mouse i catch, not needing to sound horn. .-. thanks yekjun~ we owe you one :D. hope youre k with it too!. anyways, kirby superstar ultra ownage ! XD stone kirby owned everyone :x suprising. because i never used it, i always thought it sucked lols.

what ive been up to so far:
vacuum house omg ! =O
watch drama with grandma and laughing with her(she laughed till her tears came out lol!)
mop house~
helping mom with washing the curtains~

yay chinese new year is coming ^^.

man its so late, imma slp now. goodnight~!
*shrugs* tmro its gona be washing whole new stuff *faints*