Saturday 6 February 2010


:D RESULTS ARE OUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ they were out about 13hours ago, thats when the school released the o level results.

It wasnt as i expected, my expectations were: 6A minimum, and no Cs allowed. well, i got half of what i expected :D. 7A, and 1C. well, the 1C is malay so im like so D: and :D at the same time. HAHAHA. benny got 6a 2C and 1B. his chinese got A omg! so pro haha. well, aside from our two ownage results, some of our friends got rather dissapointing results, the results they never expected themselves to get. that is so sad =\ they are emo now ( i think). All i can say for them is this: results are out, if you didnt achieve what you wanted, dont be sad. Be happy that you passed, and learn from the past, apply it to the present, and so you can achieve more for the future. :) O levels may be very important, but you didnt screw it up completely did you =). You still pass, and get to go to 6th form, and well, you can do better at 6th form to achieve your goals!^^.

Now, after getting my results, i was so freakin happy and so were my family. is omg! and to my sister, if she is reading this, I OWNED U BLEH! 7A >6A =D. LOL. and yes you were right about results being released on the saturday :L.

Anyways, we were so happy that i got to choose where to have dinner! :D. i chose seria meestall rofl, and guess what. i had the same idea as my sis 6 or 7 years ago omg!=O. haha. is totally epic :D.

Then, i couldnt sleep.

And, here i am now.

Wide awake.

Staring at the computer screen.




owh flat eye D:.

haha kay, chua out~!.

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