Wednesday 3 February 2010


god i am so sleepy @_@ 2.49am. sound horn sound horn! more like stare and see what mouse i catch, not needing to sound horn. .-. thanks yekjun~ we owe you one :D. hope youre k with it too!. anyways, kirby superstar ultra ownage ! XD stone kirby owned everyone :x suprising. because i never used it, i always thought it sucked lols.

what ive been up to so far:
vacuum house omg ! =O
watch drama with grandma and laughing with her(she laughed till her tears came out lol!)
mop house~
helping mom with washing the curtains~

yay chinese new year is coming ^^.

man its so late, imma slp now. goodnight~!
*shrugs* tmro its gona be washing whole new stuff *faints*

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